Saturday, February 3, 2018

Victoria by A. Stephen Wilson

Whar Dee comes doon through heather 
An' shelterin' glens the roses woo;
Whar freedom dances ower the dells,
Whar love is leal an' hearts are true
A bounie lass adorns her bouir
In charms whase like time never saw,
An' Scotia names her sweetest flow'r
Victoria, Victoria !

Her smile of love gaes ower the Ian',
Till grief and pain are turned to glee;
The shadows 'neath her milk-white han'
Like clouds afore the morning flee;
An' whar she comes, for evermair,
To muir or mead, to hoose or ha',
The blooms and birds keep liltiug there
Victoria, Victoria!

Oh ! wha wud chuse but loe a lass
Wi' spells which fancy's wings enchain,
Wi' graces queen did ne'er surpass,
Wha 's made a nation's heart her aiu?
The rolls o' fame embalm nae name,
Which honor's finger springs to shaw,
Can heat, like thine, affection's flame,
Victoria, Victoria!

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