Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Dove

February 14, 1817

Tell me, little darling Dove,
Whence and whither dost thou rove ?

I am in haste ; a brother tied
This doggrel greeting to my side;
May every good my sister bless, 
Life, virtue, health, and happiness;
Not vulgar mirth, but modest sense;
Not mines of gold, but competence;
With these her bark may peaceful glide,
Uninjured, down life's swelling tide.
May soft Content's all-healing power
Stand ready for each suffering hour,
Enhance the good the Fates bestow,
And mitigate the pangs of woe.
Each year may an adoring crew
New Valentines around her strew;
Be every page, be every line
As ardent, as sincere, as mine!


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