Wednesday, February 14, 2018

An Unsentimental Valentine


If I met you face to face,
Maiden fair and full of grace,
I should bow and doff my hat,
Say " your servant," and all that.

While I watched your pretty ways,
I could only smile and praise,
And you'd never dream your lover
Could a flaw in you discover.

But I 'm bolder, Lady mine,
Hid behind St. Valentine;
And I '11 count you one, two, three
Faults that I can plainly see.

Once I saw a tempest rise,
Clouding o'er your pretty eyes,
When a guest came to the door
Who was old and sad and poor.

Once I saw you turn away
With a cold and fretful " nay,"
When your little brother came
Begging for some childish game.

Once I saw you sit at ease
With a book upon your knees,
While your mother, patient saint,
Did your work without complaint.

Ah, my pretty Valentine,
Ere I ask you to be mine,
I must know that lovely face
Shines with more than surface grace, 

That your captivating art
Does not hide a careless heart,
Lest when tresses brown grow white
Eyes get dim which now are bright,

Age and trouble come apace,
Stealing beauty from your face,
I should bitterly repine
Choosing you my Valentine.

Elizabeth P. Allen.

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