Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Valentine


SOON to the Rose the nightingale
Shall breathe his tender lay;
But love that hath a sweeter tale,
Must tell that tale to-day.
In sighs, which are the spirit's song,
My soul is poured to thine ;
And Time grows young and Hope grows
To hail my Valentine.

Since darkened hearts dear Love makes bright,
What might he do for ours ?
Make all their fancies speak in light,
Their feelings grow in flowers :
Glad fancies, flinging song about,
Like stars the while they shine;
And feelings giving fragrance out,
Because they intertwine.

Whatever Love hath touched the ground,
It is the time of roses, 
Of fairy wreaths, within whose round
The sighing soul reposes.
O ! take my spirit home to thine, 
Elsewhere 't is wintry weather:
Hearts only yield their bloom divine
When two have bloomed together.

Thomas Kibble Hervey.

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