Sunday, August 4, 2024

Halloween Postcards From The Past

        I have a few Antique Halloween postcards that I will clean for folks to craft with under this post; check back to see updates as I scan, clean and repair them before the spooky season arrives. Please link back to my collection if you use them on the web for articles or sample crafts only folks!

''Halloween  Greetings'' postcard. The gentleman dressed in a tuxedo and his date, dressed in a
yellow gown, are going out on the town for Halloween festivities. The lady wears a mask and
carries a black feather fan and traditional black hat too. Behind the couple is a very
large pumpkin.

This postcard is a very old illustration of a little 
girl wearing a Jack-O-Lantern larger than her
head! The pumpkin decorated with a blue
bonnet and red feather.
''What the boys did to the cow.'' text and cow with two Jack-O-Lanterns on it's horns. A farmer's
wife looks on stunned. She drops her milking stool and tin bucket. She is wearing a white 
bonnet, apron, and country print dress. There is a cow pen, farmhouse and tree in illustration.

''Hallowe'en Greetings'' a court jester wears a wizard's cap. A black cat, black bat and 
black witch on her broom stick all run from a skeleton ringing a bell...

''Happy Halloween'' text, two scarecrows romance each other
under the man in the moon and the evening stars, while cat
looks on.

A little girl afraid of her own shadow.

A boy carves a Jack-O-Lantern in the haystacks.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Tomato

Color tomatoes for a garden card.

In old Peru at first I grew,
Wrinkled and small when I was new.
Explorers carried me to Spain,
But thence I've traveled far again.
The nineteenth century smoothed my
I'm neat and red outside and in.

The Blackberry

Blackberries on the vine.

I love the mountains, wild and free,
Their Northern slope's the home for
I do not like a Southern sun,
Since eighteen hundred forty-one
America has loved me best,
Prince of berries, once a pest.

The Date

I grew in Asia, ages past;
Africa's deserts brown and vast
Were made less cruel by my shade;
Oil, drink and wood from me are made.
The ancient Jews in chanting psalms
Carried my green, symbolic palms. 

Dates growing on a tree.
See ''Color Bunches of Dates'' and
''The Bible Botanical'' listing and
landing page

The Pea

peas in their pods
When Asia's ancient splendor bloomed
I flourished there, -my seeds entombed
Were found in Egypt, so my age
Is written clear on history's page.
Yet older still than this am I,--
I grew before Swiss lakes went dry.

The Turnip

illustrated turnips

In Eastern Europe, Asia too,
There in ages past I grew,
Many people love me well,
My virtues every day they tell.
But Sweden added to my fame,
There "rutabaga" I became.

The Squash

Simple drawing of patty pan squash.

The sunny South for me is fine,
In which to spread my pretty vine.
I do not like the North, and so
In Spain and Italy I grow.
Where winds blow cold across the sky,
I'm never found, for there I'd die.


Simple drawing of grapes.
Children of Israel loved my vine,
They trampled me to blood-red wine,-
For use in sacrifice and rite
To praise their Lord,- since first the
Fell on my leaves in Noah's day
As King of fruits, I've held my sway.

The Potato

Peru, the Andes' sunny plain,
Was first my home, then into Spain.
I traveled with Pizarro's men
From the New World and back again.
When famine fell on Ireland's shore,
My worth was proved forevermore.

Potatoes in a basket text"Potatoes selected for seed"

The Onion

Simple drawing of onions.

I am older than Egypt's ancient
I was born where the ibis
spreads its wings.
But soon I wandered wide and
From Northern fjords to Zanizi-
And now you'll find me every-
On every nation's bill of fare.

Potted Plant Pop-Up Cards

        This way to grow and display paper flowers for your window sill, mantle or bedroom dresser is designed by Margaret Sanders. A novel card for children to craft and give to their mother on Mother's Day or maybe even on her birthday.

How to cut and fold three potted plants for Mother's Day Card: daisy, tulip and geranium.

Friday, May 12, 2023


The Almond - Hope

The hope, in dreams of a happier hour,
That alights upon misery's brow,
Spring out of the silvery Almond flower,
That blooms on a leafless bough.
